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New York to Minneapolis

New York to Minneapolis

The Cheapest Flights from New York to Minneapolis

Departure atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
22 January 202526 January 2025Frontier AirlinesTickets from 211
5 August 20259 August 2025Sun Country AirlinesTickets from 212

Cheap Flights from New York

DestinationDeparture atReturn atFind tickets
Miami7 April 202510 April 2025Tickets from 50
Fort Lauderdale10 February 202511 February 2025Tickets from 68
Indianapolis19 February 202520 February 2025Tickets from 87
Nashville22 January 202527 January 2025Tickets from 89
Chicago27 January 202530 January 2025Tickets from 90
Las Vegas5 February 20257 February 2025Tickets from 94
Atlanta11 May 202514 May 2025Tickets from 97
San Juan1 February 20256 February 2025Tickets from 98
Orlando28 April 20252 May 2025Tickets from 98
New Orleans8 February 202513 February 2025Tickets from 102

Cheap Flights to Minneapolis

OriginDeparture atReturn atFind tickets
New York22 January 202526 January 2025Tickets from 211
Seattle10 February 202516 February 2025Tickets from 246
Istanbul6 February 20257 February 2025Tickets from 1 096
Moscow28 January 202531 January 2025Tickets from 1 385
Beijing6 February 20257 February 2025Tickets from 1 465
Saint Petersburg24 March 202530 March 2025Tickets from 3 625

Cheap Flights From New York (JFK) to Minneapolis (MSP)

The Twin Cities are known for their extensive culture and sophisticated food scene, but it’s also a great place to catch a deal on flights from NYC. In a typical week, Delta offers 73 direct flights to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and it’s not uncommon to find round-trip fares for less than $500. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – we regularly see deals to the Twin Cities from New York that are even cheaper.

There are a few tricks to scoring the best deal from New York to Minneapolis. For starters, it helps to be flexible with your dates. The cheapest fares are usually found in the first two weeks of the month and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but there’s always a chance that prices will fall further when demand is lower. And remember that even if you’ve purchased your ticket, you can still change your travel plans for free within 24 hours.

If you’re looking for even bigger savings on your trip to Minneapolis, consider booking a positioning flight. These short, one-way trips cost a fraction of the price of a full-fare flight from New York to Minneapolis and can save you hundreds of dollars by flying into another city where airline competition is fierce. For example, we often see flights to Los Angeles (LAX) from Minneapolis for $150 or less – well below the usual $250 fare.

With airlines constantly adjusting their schedules, it’s important to keep an eye on airfare trends. Luckily, momondo’s flight search engine has an “alerts” feature that’ll notify you when prices are low or high for your destination. And you can easily set up alerts for specific dates or routes.

Buying your tickets directly through the airline is often the best way to guarantee your reservation. If a deal comes up that you can’t pass up, booking directly with the airline will ensure that you get your seat and avoid any potential issues with rescheduling or cancellation.

And don’t forget that most major airlines offer an in-app mobile check-in option so you can skip the lines at the airport. And with all of the recent uncertainty around travel restrictions and delays, it’s never been more important to check your bags on the way to the airport to make sure everything goes smoothly when you arrive.

Happy travels!

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