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New York to Buffalo

New York to Buffalo

The Cheapest Flights from New York to Buffalo

Departure atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
20 April 202425 April 2024United AirlinesTickets from 207
8 May 202410 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 127
4 June 202411 June 2024Frontier AirlinesTickets from 129
9 July 202416 July 2024JetBlue AirwaysTickets from 183

Cheap Flights from New York

DestinationDeparture atReturn atFind tickets
Fort Lauderdale7 May 202410 May 2024Tickets from 69
Miami4 May 20248 May 2024Tickets from 69
Chicago4 May 20247 May 2024Tickets from 78
Orlando13 May 202414 May 2024Tickets from 107
Dallas3 May 20247 May 2024Tickets from 109
Cleveland20 April 202424 April 2024Tickets from 115
Houston25 May 202429 May 2024Tickets from 120
Myrtle Beach2 June 20248 June 2024Tickets from 122
Tampa30 April 20243 May 2024Tickets from 127
Raleigh/Durham16 May 202419 May 2024Tickets from 128

Cheap Flights to Buffalo

OriginDeparture atReturn atFind tickets
New York19 May 202421 May 2024Tickets from 173
Tampa21 April 202422 April 2024Tickets from 179
Chicago4 August 20246 August 2024Tickets from 322
Newburgh19 May 202421 May 2024Tickets from 391
Boston16 April 202419 April 2024Tickets from 501

Cheap Flights From New York (JFK) to Buffalo (BUF)

Flights from New York to Buffalo are on average 26% cheaper in February compared to July. Flight prices increase the closer to the departure date you get, but booking in advance could help you find a bargain. To avoid the crowds, book your flight in the afternoon when prices are lower.

New York John F Kennedy Intl Airport is the most popular airport for flights to Buffalo, and we recommend you fly there if you can. Alternatively, Newark Liberty Intl Airport and New Windsor Stewart Airport are also an option.

Once you’ve entered your dates, click “Find deals” to see the cheapest options. This will give you a list of the most affordable flights on offer, and you can narrow down your search by selecting which airline you’d like to travel with or by choosing a specific connection speed. You can also select “Only show direct flights” to limit your search to just the best options available.

Whether you’re planning to visit the second-largest city in New York State, or just want to spend some time in one of the region’s most beautiful and historic cities, you can easily find cheap tickets on either a roundtrip or a oneway basis. Just remember to check prices frequently as they can change based on demand and other factors.

Once you’ve found your perfect flight, you can book it directly through the airline if you’d like to. You can also choose to add travel cost protection at checkout, which is a great way to safeguard against unexpected expenses on your trip.

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