Which Day of the Week is Cheapest to Fly?
The cheapest day of the week for flights is Tuesday. That’s because this is the day when most people leave for work and long vacations. Meanwhile, prices are higher on Thursdays, as many business travelers are out on that day. On these off-peak days, airlines are eager to fill seats, and the prices are lower than during peak travel times. On Mondays, the prices are the highest and the cheapest days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Compared to Sundays, Wednesdays are the cheapest days to fly. For instance, Sundays are popular for business travelers. In addition, most flights are cheaper on Thursdays. Likewise, Thursdays are more expensive on Fridays. On Tuesdays, the cheapest days to travel are Mondays. If you have a flexible schedule, you should take Tuesdays off. If you’re going on a long trip, you can fly on Sunday.
During the week, the cheapest day to fly is Tuesday. It’s the best day to fly domestically. And if you have a connecting flight from another country, the cheapest day to return is Wednesday. And if you’re traveling on Tuesdays, consider flying on Wednesdays. The savings are often large compared to other days. If you can find flights with no restrictions, you’re guaranteed to find cheap tickets.